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 About Anastasiya Patel, Esq. 

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"Everything is possible out of an impossible situation." 

Mrs. Patel is a local resident of North Port, Florida where she lives with her husband and their 2 small children. She graduated from Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida in 2022 and is passionate about civil litigation and family law. 

Mrs. Patel is a firm believer in helping clients set their financial and family goals before a divorce is filed, and planning the process out to ensure a mutual resolution is achieved. If a divorce has already been filed, Mrs. Patel will work with her clients to understand what the other side is requesting, and zealously advocating for her client's financial and parental rights. 

"I am passionate about families. I want the best possible outcome for my client. If I believe a marriage can be saved, and the other side is amicable, I will always recommend a client goes into counseling and look out for their best interest. If the road is towards divorce, I will sit down and dive into every detail: the past, present, and where my client wants to be after the divorce is finalized. I'm goal oriented and also realistic. I work hard to represent my client's interests and educate them on Florida's alimony, child support, and equitable distribution laws." -Mrs. Patel 

I'm a proud mother and a step-mother.  

"I understand the difficulties, challenges and also blessings that come with a blended family. I'm a proud mom. A proud step-mom. A proud plus mom. I have a close and loving relationship with my step children. I consider them as my own. I know the emotions that come with these situations. When talking with clients, I can empathize with them because I've been there. I've been on the receiving end of those blow outs. So I can remain calm and level headed, and let my clients know that there is an end in sight, and what we need to focus on... Such as finances, custody, equitable distribution, and how do document the other parent's behavior."  -Mrs. Patel 

Do you have a special needs child? Are you looking for a lawyer who can understand the complexities that go into divorcing with a special needs child? 

"Many of you know my personal story and my husband, Dr. Patel. When I was in law school, I was pregnant with our first child Sophia. I became very sick and had to have an emergency c-section with her. I had high blood pressure and HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelets). Sophia was born early. She has life long medical needs and understands things differently than other kids her age. She's doing great, and is steadily improving. Having that experience, I can understand parents who have special needs kids but need to separate, divorce, modify their parenting plan or child support. 


In such circumstances, there are certain factors we need to consider during the case: Who will make the medical decision? How will medical updates be communicated? Which doctor(s) will the child go to? Who is going to cover the expenses insurance does not pick up? Is there a long term care plan? Is there a medical case manager? I can connect to my clients and understand their position." -Mrs. Patel 

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